A Spooky Tale of Penns Valley Area High School Part II

November 1, 2019
When Jake heard the thump in the chemical closet curiosity filled his head. Jake got up the courage to slowly walk over the closet. With the little bit of light he had from his phone he was able to find the doorknob but, when he tried to open it the door was locked. Jake first thought was what if someone locked themselves in there by accident? Jake then said, “Hello? Is anybody in there?” The thumping went quite but there was no response. he said again “Is anybody in there?” and when there was still no response jake knew he had to investigate. He looked around the room frantically for something to unlock the door with. He found 2 bobby pins and a paper clip and got to work. He didn’t want to make too much noise trying to open the door because he knew whoever was in there was scared. When he finally got the door open he couldn’t see anything. He turned on the emergency light and it left a red tint in the room. He looked around the room that stank of chemicals for this person he didn’t even know. Suddenly he saw a shadowing figure in the corner. He stepped closer and said, “Are you okay?” the shadowing figure responded, ” Go away your not supposed to be here. Jake was confused and asked “Who are you? what wrong?” it replied, “I the one everyone talk about.” Jake was really confused at this point because why would there be anybody in the chemical room this time at night. Jake felt sorry for it and said, ” It’s okay I won’t make fun of you just tell me who you are.” she replies, “My name is Clarissa the one who went missing.” Jake felt an urge of panic and didn’t know what to say after a couple of seconds of silence Jake realized that she was probably really lonely and said, “Here let me help you up.” Clarissa stood up to reveal her face of beauty. Jake was speechless and asked what happened. She said that after she ran away she sought treatment for her face and got plastic surgery and was really satisfied with her new face. Jake then asked, “Then why are you in the chemical closet?” she replies, ” I want to make sure that all of the chemicals are safe and in the right environment so nothing happens light what happened to me.” Jake and Clarissa got to talking and realized they had a lot in common and lived happily ever after.