High School Students Missing out on the Best Years of their Life
September 30, 2020
As high school students are very excited to be able to return to school and sports making life a little normal for them, there are still many things they are missing out on. These are the times they should remember as the best times of there life. Yes students are able to play sports which is great but not the same as it should be, but playing in front of packed stands with all your family and fellow classmates watching is a great feeling and very special for high school athletes.
Due to covid-19 the fans for sport games are limited. Social distancing and mask wearing has to take place at sport games and practices which causes them to look a little different and makes it hard for teenagers to enjoy their sports when there always being reminded to put there mask on and stay 6 feet apart.
High schoolers are also missing out on school dances such as homecoming and prom. Homecoming is a big thing in Penns Valley with the football game, the parade, homecoming queen and spirt week at school. Again, due to Covid-19 a lot of this is unable to happen. The students never know if they will be in school the following week or even the next day, and they never know when their last day might be if things start to get bad with the virus. Looking farther into the school year seniors don’t even know if they are going to get to have graduation or if they do what will it look like. Covid-19 is ruining the best years for this high schoolers.