Penns Valley Opens With New Measures in Place

Inside lobby of PVHS

This week Penns Valley Area School District is set to return to its in-person schooling. However, it will be different from how it was about two weeks ago. Following multiple cases of COVID-19 among students the school was forced to close. Since then all students have been online while the school was cleaned and a solution was made to allow people with a poor internet connection and otherwise return to school.

Penns Valley has since begun to implement its ‘hybrid-mode’ learning. This is where multiple groups including the blue, white, and gray groups will each go to school on different days. This is to help limit the number of people in the building at one time while still giving students the option to learn in-person if they would like or need to. This was all stated in a PDF sent to parents on Friday that outlined the plan for how things will work until Christmas break in about two weeks. The principal, Mr. Wynkoop said he feels this will be a safe way to have students learn the best they can while still being safe.

Students seem to be mixed on this return, however. Some are glad that they can get back to school and learn without the lag of a Zoom call. Others are upset at the lack of communication about the days they are to return to school and the overall plan set in motion. The teachers have said they will do their best to communicate information and look into emailing students if need be.

Things are once again looking good for the rural school district. They have plans laid out for at least the rest of this year. Their hopes are that come the new year they can have everyone who wants to return do so in a safe manner.