Penns Valley Youth 15 Soccer
May 19, 2021
Penns Valley Youth 15 soccer is a program for girls 14 and younger to play travel soccer. So far our record is 3-2 which is not that good to be honest but we still have a lot of games and time to change that. It is a very good chance to keep active and play with your friends. Most of the girls I play with are people that I have played soccer with for years. There are also some new girls who I’ve never played with but it’s a learing experience and something new, so it’s really fun. Soccer is such a fun sport to play and you can learn many fun and handy skills. It is also a great way to build friendships and bonds with so many people. This travel season I’ve built many more bonds and have made my old bonds with my teamates stronger. By creating bonds on the team we work better together, and can communicate better on the feild. I can really see our bonds growing and that is postively effecting us on and off the field. I can’t wait to see all of us grow as a team and get better at the game. I think this season we are going to do amazing things and end up with a winning record to prove and show all of our hard work we’ve put into this season.