Ideas to do after High School if college isn’t your thing!

Lots of people are very fortunate to be able to look at colleges and be able to have all the opportunities they bring. However, if we didn’t get these opportunities then here are some ideas that people can do instead! If you are like me then you have a passion for helping others and would love to find ways throughout my life to help people who are less fortunate. So here are some things you could do for a few years if you choose to not go to college!

One thing that is needed around the world is help with younger children. Children have a soft spot in lots of people’s hearts and lots of people hope they can help them grow and become amazing people. Jarret boxes are a thing lots of people have done to sent toys and joy to other children around the world. I know my church has always done drives and I have always wondered what their reaction would be after opening the boxes and hopefully one day I will be able to see this in person. I’m sure lots of you have had these thoughts too. I am sure we are all hopeful we will be able to do this one day in order to help the less fortunate children around the world. 

I know that personally I haven’t traveled much in my time and I live in PA so I haven’t really encountered many major storms.  However, lots of people in this area have a heart for people in need and lots of people are telling to help people recover and get their homes back to as normal as possible after they encounter storms. This is one thing lots of people would like to do if they can not go to college and you should consider it too!

To conclude, some people are not given the option to go to college and because of this, they have to look elsewhere for work. They choose to find ways to help people at a national level or state level. Finding ways to help others has always been a major passion of mine and I hope it is a passion of yours as well and you find these ideas helpful.