Happy New Year! Welcome 2022!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2022, a new year full of new experiences and goals you can make! This time of year is great and gives so many new changes to do things you have dreamed of doing! This time of year is very exciting especially for seniors this year. This is the year they have been waiting to hit, the numbers they got when they first got their email in kindergarten. This year is their graduation year and they are all very excited for this major change in their lives, most people at least.

Talking to some seniors

I first spoke to Kailen Winkelblech senior at PVHS. Kailen has applied to all of her schools and has gotten into all the schools she applied to and is only waiting to hear back from two schools. Her top picks are Penn State, Ithaca, Pitt, and App State. Kailen is very excited for her future and to graduate and cant wait to get to move on from high school. I also talked to Ellie Brinker she has also applied to all of her schools and is waiting on one response back, her top choice is Lock Haven. Ellie is having mixed feelings about graduating and is both excited but a little sad, she stated that she will miss her high school buddies and especially Aidan Culver commentating.

What comes next

I also spoke to some juniors about how they feel about having their senior year next year. Lots of them said that it was scary because the number seemed so far away for so long but now it is real. I spoke to Paige Dobson she stated that she really wishes that she could graduate this year and that she is struggling with senioritis. But she is also feeling very bummed about leaving her friends and wishes they could all come with her wherever she ends up.

Although this year may seem scary it is also very promising and will bring so many good times and memories. I hope you look at this year like this and enjoy 2022!