Chess Club’s Future

October 13, 2022
With the up-and-coming emersion of the chess club run by Mitchell Robson and Michael Long, I decided to interview Mr.Robson to gain information about the club to spread the word. I started by asking Mr.Robson about the upcoming positions and what they entitle. He explained that there will be four upcoming positions, President, Vice president, Secretary, and Treasurer. The president and vice president positions are basically the same, they are both entitle being in charge of coordinating fundraising, and taking lead on club events like tournaments. The secretary is like a records keeper, they will do things like keeping track of records for matches, keeping notes, and meeting minutes. The treasurer deals with the financials of the club, keeping track of money for things like fundraisers.
The next question I asked Mr.Robson was, “Why do you think chess is a beneficial club for students?” He answered that he thinks the game of chess is beneficial to everyone because it forces you to critically think about your moves at every step, and betters critical thinking and problem-solving skills can help solve problems we face every day.
Furthering the question, I asked him, “What is your overall goal with the implementation of a chess club in our school system?” Mr.Robson proceeded to talk about how he thinks that spreading the game of chess, the community and respect aspect, playing with all of your friends and learning with them is another opportunity to grow a good culture in the school and that since its a game built off of respect and etiquette that it is good to have in a school environment.
Overall, the future of the chess club seems to be in good hands with Mr.Robson and Mr.Long running it and knowing all that they want to do. You can also practice your chess skills here.