A Time for Thanks

November 29, 2022
In recent years in the Penns Valley media class, a momentous occasion occurs the last day before Thanksgiving break. Most members of the class bring in an item of food related to Thanksgiving, and Mr.Farley brings in the holy grail of all turkeys. This year some of the items that are being brought in to celebrate are buffalo chicken dip, apple cider, sprite cranberry, and many other things. The students love this event and cherish it very much. I got the input of a student, Rebekah Gillespie.
I questioned Rebekah Gillespie about our class’ MediasGiving, and she responded with, “I think that MediasGiving is a great way for our class to really indulge in thanksgiving traditions with friends and coworkers if you will. Mr. Farley brings in his juicy turkey, he is quite proud of the turkey he makes on Thanksgiving, although he won’t go quite as in-depth as his regular turkey, as he smokes it normally. Regardless of this, it’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit and really make us appreciate what Thanksgiving is all about.”
It is shown throughout this interaction that Mr.Farley’s MediasGiving is beloved by all students because of his great generosity and amazing leadership throughout the school. Overall, MediasGiving is a time to celebrate what we are all thankful for including, each other, our school, and most importantly the Rambling Ram which produces a plethora of articles every couple of weeks brought to you by the amazing students of Penns Valley.