Weekend FUN in Centre Hall Dec 9-11th
December 15, 2022
This weekend the Center Hall community is hosting many family friendly activities. If you have nothing going on and are looking for something fun to do, this would be the event for you. To start things off, this Friday, December 9, 7 o’clock, there will be a tree lighting ceremony at St. Lukes Lutheran Church (301 N. Pennsylvania Avenue). Get your christmas PJ’s on, pack the car with cozy blankets, and some snacks to enjoy this special moment with family. After watching the lighting of the tree, drive on down to the progress grange (#96 217 S. Pennsylvania Avenue) at 7:30 for a family movie night. Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman will be the movie of the night. If you want to get there early for good seats, doors open at 7 o’clock.
Saturday December 10th, make sure to wake up hungry as there is a breakfast buffet at the Casual Dining (104 E. Wilson Street). They will be serving many delicious foods like scrambled eggs, blueberry filled pancake rolls, cinnamon French toast, and many more tasty foods to fill your bellies up! The cost is $16.50 a person and will be served from 8am-11am. While brunch is going on from 9am-1pm there will be craft making for kids. Take-it ornament, cookie decorating, and pictures with elves. This is all held at the Grace United Methodist Church (127 S. Pennsylvania Avenue). Also at 9am the Centre County Grange Fair Queen and the 2022 Center County Dairy Princess will be reading children books. This is also taking place where the crafts are being held. From 10am-1pm there is an open house for PV emergency shelter and PV diaper depot. The location is next to the trinity UCC (108 N. Penna Avenue). If your children still have energy or even if you want to at 11am-1pm there will be a horse and carriage ride in town (Location is to be determined). Ages 12+ is $5.00/ Under is $3.00. For 21 years or older from 11am to 7pm there is a Merry Wine Tasting from Juanita Valley Wines. This will be taking place at the Casual Dining and is $5.00 per person. Chriz Rider will be performing at 2pm at the Trinity United Church of Christ. Please attend if anyone is interested in getting their groove on. To wrap things up on Saturday evening, at 3pm to 5pm there will be a live Nativity interactive at the Grace United Methodist Church. This is an outdoor event so dress accordingly to the weather.
After being all tired out from Saturdays events, on Sunday December 11th there is another Brunch Buffet from 9am to 2pm at the Casual Dining. The cost is $25.50 with many yummy foods. If you attend there will be cinnamon french toast, home fries, soup, a prime rib carving station, and many more mouthwatering food! Enjoy this well eventful weekend and have a Merry Christmas!