Movin’ and Groovin’

February 2, 2023
This year, the Penns Valley Cheerleading squad has arranged a school-wide winter wonderland dance for grades seven through 12. It is going to be held on February fourth from seven to ten in the old large gym. It will be a fun-filled evening with music, food, games, and dancing, of course. Admission is only five dollars at the door and, if you are looking to bring a guest, just head to the front office! The dress code is semi formal, leaving you with many possibilities to spice up your look or dress down to your liking.
Unfortunately, this dance isn’t getting the interest that it deserves. Why don’t kids want to go to these fun school events? Maybe dances are out of style nowadays or maybe people just don’t like to dance. Many students say that they aren’t going because their friends aren’t going; however, what is stopping them from all getting together and going as a group?
How do the students feel? Senior Bekah Gillespie says, “I just don’t feel that many people will be attending and I just don’t have time.” Senior year can be busy for everyone between school work and making money for the future. Aidan Claar says, “No, because I didn’t even know it included senior high until today.” Leah Meyer says, “The dance was poorly advertised.” Sam Ewaskiewicz says, “Oh, there’s a dance?”
It seems as though people didn’t really realize that the event was even up ahead until just this week! To get more interest next time, more actions should likely be taken other than just posters on the wall. The seniors just aren’t impressed. Sophomore Owyn Corman states, “Because I am a single man and I really don’t want to go. There’s no reason to go.” The students just aren’t interested.
Back in the day, dances, or “mixers” as they were called, were all the rage. Every Friday night after the home football games students would flood the gym looking to jump and sway to music. They didn’t need to get dressed up and they were excited to hang out and celebrate with friends. Many teachers remember looking forward to these nights and are baffled by the opportunities that students today are declining. What faculty may not quite realize are all of the other opportunities kids have to spend time with friends and do fun things. The access to other activities is huge in today’s time.
The earliest dances were mainly prom, starting in the early 1800s. The idea of having a school dance has expanded over the years and led us to events like a winter wonderland ball and a valentine’s dance. Although interest has gone down, they are still many dances held all over the country and there are still many students who get excited to spend a night getting dressed up and enjoying time with friends.
How can Penns Valley High School make its school dances better? Tell us by clicking here!