Senior Year Almost Over

May 10, 2023
The school year is wrapping up and the students are very excited, but there is one class that has mixed emotions about this year ending. The Class of 2023 (aka this year’s seniors) are super excited about school ending, but also a little sad. They have been looking forward to this year for so many years and now it is also most over. I asked Leah Meyer a senior at Penns Valley how she felt about the school year ending she said, “Thrilled”! The seniors have about one more month of school left and it won’t be a boring one.
May is the month for the seniors that get super crazy. They will participate in lots of events throughout this month. May 18th is the first event which is something Penns Valley calls Rams Fest! It is a mud volleyball tournament that is a lot of fun and a blast with friends. May 20th is something that everyone looks forward to which is prom. This year’s theme is Old Time Hollywood/Masquerade. It will be the last prom the seniors get to attend and have a great time! The day after prom May 21st is Baccalaureate where the seniors can attend to be recognized. Then May 24th is the Senior Class Trip this year’s class will be attending Pocono Valley. They will get to participate in zip lining, ropes courses, swimming pools, and much more. Finally the moment all the seniors are waiting for graduation day. June 2nd is the day when the seniors will get sent off into the world and graduate from high school. The seniors have a lot coming up in May and it will most definitely fly by!