Keep up the motivation

Keep up the motivation

As the first half of the school year is coming to an end many students begin to lose motivation. The first half of the year has long breaks due to Thanksgiving and Christmas while the second half of the year only has a day or two off here and there. Motivation is mostly lost among seniors because they believe that colleges still don’t consider your grades.

You may have been accepted into a college and they can’t un accept you. However, they have the ability to take away some of the money they offer you. This money is based on your academic standing throughout the entire school year, not just one semester or the other. The amount of money you can earn on scholarships could also be dependent based off of your academic standings. 

The classes you have the second half of the year as well will not allow you to be lazy. If you have more challenging classes in the second half you need to give your best effort possible. These classes will be a determining factor if you will graduate. It is easy to give up and not try and do your best but in the end, it’s worth it. You will have to continue to get good grades to get a higher degree than a high school diploma. 

Some things you can do to keep yourself motivated are looking forward to things such as getting to walk across the stage and receiving your diploma. The ability to leave a lasting impact on the school and the underclassmen so they have the motivation to continue as well. Getting to go to college and then having the ability to walk across a stage again to receive a bachelor’s degree.