A Game of Skill


Logan Conrad

On December 26, 2022, an event called “A Game of Skill” was held at Logan Conrad’s house. Invitations were given out to six people. The invitation was vague, emphasizing that the event is a complete mystery. The only things that were known were the time, location, and that there was going to be a grand prize. The identity of the prize was not revealed, however.

All six people invited did come over. These people were Isaac Braucht, Andrew Ruoff, Gail O’Donald, Eliza Puissegur, Alexis Durn, and Sam Ewaskiewicz. Sam did end up arriving a little late. When everyone arrived, the prize was revealed. The prize was a snow queen nutcracker with a picture of Isaac’s mom taped onto it. Suddenly, everyone realized how high the stakes were. Everyone wanted the prize.

A photo of the grand prize.

The next revealed was the game itself. Logan came up with an assortment of random activities. The activities ranged from trying to beat an obscure SpongeBob flash game to trying to complete Minecraft objectives on a bingo board. These activities were randomly selected on a wheel, and the contestants for that activity were selected on another wheel. Points were given out to the winners of each activity, but Logan decided how many points to give out.

So, the game began. Even though Sam was late, she got a quick lead winning a special game of Uno. She then went from activity to activity, winning every single one she was a part of. It looked bleak for the other contestants. The final activity, however, proved to shake things up. This last activity would give 30 points, allowing anybody to win the game. Now, what exactly was this final activity? Why, it was a Mario trivia Kahoot designed by Logan Conrad himself. The questions on the Kahoot were very obscure. Truly, anybody could win the game. Yet, in the end, Sam was the winner. A picture was taken of her with the fabulous trophy.

Sam holding up her prize.