Signs of Depression

Summer sunshine

Summer sunshine

Depression is a disorder that many people in the world have, it affects the everyday life of a person, and can cause a lot of harm in their life in many different ways. Depression should not be taken lightly, it is a severe mental disorder that can cause people to feel like they are alone, get no sleep, have no energy to do anything, they can feel worthless or guilty, and have many more awful feelings, and acts. 

Depression is defined as a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. Some signs that you may see in yourself or others could be, slowed thinking, speaking or body movements, anxiety, agitation or restlessness, feeling of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, hopelessness, angry outbursts, frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, or attempts, and feeling worthless. If you ever experience any of these symptoms, notify someone, a parent, teacher, or doctor, to get the help that is required to help with all these feelings and acts. 

Some ways that depression can be treated are, self-help, trying this you should be getting enough sleep, and spending time with people you care about can help improve depressive symptoms. Counseling is very effective for many people. Talking with a mental health professional, you will go over your problems and develop skills that will help you cope with your feelings. Some people stick with therapy, but not everyone is the same so if you only need therapy for a short amount of time that is perfectly fine. Medication is also a treatment for people who need a little more help with their brain chemistry which causes them to feel/be depressed. Lastly, brain stimulation therapy, this will help people with more severe depression.