Rise up gamers, it’s the time we’ve been waiting for. The original 2017-2019 Fortnite map is coming back. After almost 4 long years of playing a game that was different from what every original player played, it is coming back. On November 3rd the game is going to get reverted to what it used to look like, with the original graphics, weapon design, and game mechanics. In a super smart buisness decision they will release this new version of the game for one month in order to increase the player count. Many of the old players have moved on from the game after years of development which made the game feel different to what they were used to. Huge ammounts of players will now return to relive the memories made with their friends on this map. Listed in their website Epic Games states, “Drop on the original Island once again in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 4 Season OG. Throughout “Fortnite OG,” each major update will bring a different phase of Battle Royale’s past, starting with Chapter 1 Season 5. That means Shopping Carts, ATKs, the Assault Rifle, and more in both Battle Royale and Zero Build!” Many people are infering that they are drawing in large ammounts of people into the game in order to gather viewers for a big announcement for the upcoming Chapter 5 Season 1. Epic Games realized the powerful “weapon” in their loadout and specificly decided to use it at this time for a reason. Players will need to see what that annoucncement will be after this short event ending in just over a month. Until then, Fortnite players will enjoy reliving many memories made on this map way back in 2018.