Last week I had to take care of a baby for a day, since I’m taking child development. Today I will tell you how it went so that if you take this class, you can be prepared. Before taking the baby I had to fill out some papers including the birth certificate where I gave the name. You can either take the baby for a weekend (+10 extra credit) or just a day (required). You will also have to choose the difficulty level, there is easy (required), medium (+2 extra credit), difficult (+5 extra credit) and random (+4 extra credit).
My inspiration for the name was the movie Pitch Perfect (I hope everyone knows what I’m talking about), the character called Patricia, mostly known as Fat Amy.
Each child turns on at 3pm and goes off at 7am. Since I chose random i didnt know how hard it would be but i am pretty sure for the first 5-6 hours it was on hard mode because fat amy kept crying, eating and burping.
After school I had track and field practice but since I’m injured I’m managing the team, so that wasn’t a problem. The only problem I had was that I had to babysit Clara’s baby (since she had softball practice) barbara. When Fat Amy was done eating, Barbara had to eat then they had to burp. Luckily it never happened that they cried at the same time.
After practice I gave Barbara back to Clara and I went home with Fat Amy. During the evening it wasn’t too hard to take care of her, the only problem was that sometimes, while I was feeding her she would start crying randomly; after the fifth time it happened I realized that I just had to rock her for a few seconds and then continue feeding her. In general I never had to rock Fat Amy, even other classmates said they never had to rock their baby.
Luckily she only woke up once during the night, at 5:30. i had to feed her and then burp her, the whole thing took a little over 30 minutes so i didn’t even try to go back to sleep, i started getting ready for school. Barbara, Clara’s baby, on the other hand, woke up three times during the night. In fact, I think that during the night Fat Amy was in easy mode.
I’m so grateful that she didn’t wake up too many times during the night, it made the experience so much better. I would never take the baby for the weekend though.
Although the experience was educational and challenging, it is even clearer now that having a baby at this time in my life would be a bad idea.