JH girls soccer tournament

On Wednesday, September 7th, the Penns Valley junior high girls soccer team traveled to Lock Haven for a soccer tournament that morning. Junior high first got to play Park Forest in the morning at 10am. The game started off slow but then Aliza Stover got a pass to the goal that lead Penns Valley junior high girls to score their first goal of the year. After that goal we kept are hard work and continued to score 3 more goals that game. With that, the first game of the tournament ended with the score of 4-0 us. The next game was against Dubois at 1:45 in the afternoon. It started off a little ruff because we were a little tired and Dubois were a bit more aggressive. We saved a couple close goals from Dubois but then we ended up scoring 5 goals in the game. It was a very good game, with the score ending at 5-0 us. After the games everyone was excited to win both of the soccer games. The Penns Valley Junior high girls did very well that tournament. The girls soccer got a little trophy for winning both games during this tournament and got some good team pictures with the little trophy. They all played very well and worked together as a team. At that tournament after the games they scored a total of 9 goals that day. Good job Penns Valley girls soccer.

Picture credit to Ashley’s dad,thanks Jon!