Phone Madness!

Phone Madness!


There are about 2.7 billion smartphone users in the world, and 47% of that population say that they are addicted to their phones. There are many signs to people being addicted to their phones, which has increased in the past years. In this time and age, people are dependent of their phones and what they are capable of.

If you are having trouble sleeping and can be a sign that you are addicted to your smart phone. The blue like emitted from your phone can disrupt your sleep cycle which makes it harder for you to fall asleep. Once you wake up from your short night sleep, are you anxious? Being dependent of your phone can cause you to have anxiety that makes you need your phone in front of you all of the time. Leaving your phone at home or in your car can cause you to go into panic mode. Once you get back to the car where your phone is, do you go straight to all of your social media apps? Scrolling through these apps frequently shows that you are stressed out about what is happening in other peoples lives. You are so stressed that it causes you to keep opening your phone to check your snapchat, instagram, facebook, vsco, twitter and etc. to see what other people are posting. Are you not doing good in school, and getting bad grades? This can be a sign that you are addicted to your phone. Spending too much time on your phone and not studying or ready over notes, can lead to you failing a test. This then causes you to do bad in school which can lead to the downhill, failing.

All of these scenarios are signs that you may be addicted to your phone. In order to prevent this, set limits to you being on your phone and know when it is the right time to turn your screen off.