Penn State Helps Centre County Become a PA Hotspot


View of the Old Main building on Penn State campus

As a new Coronavirus testing clinic has opened near Penn State University it has caused their case count to jump by just over 450 people.

This brings the total case count of the campus to 2,123 since they began to report in early August. The previously stated case count of over 450 people was just new cases since the last report which was Tuesday, September 22nd. Penn State has also said that out of the 2,123 total cases 1,300 of them are “no longer active.”

PSU’s president Eric Barron has also explained that despite the uptick in cases the students will not be sent home. He says that both state and federal health officials say it’s better to keep the kids on campus as it is a better-controlled environment.

There are also growing concerns that with Penn State’s spike in COVID-19 cases it’s beginning to affect neighborhoods in the area. PSU has said that they’re aware of these concerns.

While Penn State is focused on the cases within the campus, they are also working with health officials to try and expand testing and contact tracing in the area.

State College Area School District has also stated last week that there are talks of the school closing and going online. This follows their plans for watching cases and closing if a threshold is met. If the school is to close and move online it could also mean other schools in the area will follow suit.

Only time will tell as the cases continue to grow at Penn State University and the surrounding area. One thing is for sure, the Penn State cases have helped Centre County become the top Coronavirus hotspot for Pennsylvania.