In the Valley, there is a good chance that you don’t have internet at your home, like me. I am a new student at Penns Valley and my name is Aidan or as some people call me “A-Train” but I prefer to go by Aidan. I was completely new to PVHS just under a month ago. I currently live in a town right outside of Centre Hall,PA almost to the line of where you could also be enrolled into State College high school. My house as I currently speak on Monday, September 23, 2024 and my house is very deep in nature with trees and little houses. But when it comes to doing schoolwork/homework it is really not convenient at all when you have a big project or assignment that is worth a massive grade, maybe like some of you. It’s not just me who is feeling these thoughts, A lot of the students also live out in the woods and due to the trees and wildlife nearby. I interviewed Noah Coursen about this issue and he states, “On the FED days it is hard to, I’d be able to do schoolwork with reliable internet on times other than RAM time” I feel like I am currently living inside the Field of Dreams movie. But it does come with its downsides. Like having no internet access to do schoolwork that crucially needs to be done the next day or at the infamous 11:59 due time. We as students should express our opinion about this issue. Even if you do have the internet, just put yourself in other people’s shoes for just one second. You have to cram everything in RAM time which I and many others appreciate, but 30 minutes is not enough most of the time. A website called IEEE, which advocates for advancing technology, stresses that “In the short term, students without broadband access may face learning challenges and limited access to relevant materials. This means they often struggle to complete homework, fall behind, receive lower grades, and sometimes even fail to graduate.” This message is resembling how much not having internet at home will really hurt a young man’s education. I really feel like a good way to counteract this issue is to allow students, if they need/want to get work done it could be available to us as the students in the lunchroom. I know that there is the risk of drinks being accidentally spilled onto the computer and it could be potentially damaged if not treated properly but I feel that the student should fulfill one of their R.A.M.S reminders and accept responsibility and pay the due for improper management.
We should have the right to have computers at lunch
September 25, 2024