Newest Mobile Game Taking Over PV

October 13, 2022
Every once in a while, a new game pops up and takes Penns Valley by storm. Nowadays that game is Golf Clash. Golf Clash is an online golf game that is just simply fun. After you match up with an opponent and make a coin wager, the golfing begins. All variables in real golf are taken into account. Slice, ball type, wind, and landscape are just some of the factors. I interviewed one of my fellow golf clashers, Mason Greene. When asked when he started playing golf clash his answer was, “The addiction started right around the time of the Grange Fair and it has been going strong ever since.” Mason if you can’t tell, is a proud golf clasher who has no plans on stopping. When I asked him what the next step was, he answered, “Well I’m just gonna keep grinding. Make more money, earn more trophies, and win.” While some think this is a breakthrough mobile game, others aren’t so impressed. Walking through the hallways you can hear some of the haters expressing their dislike for the game. Words such as “stupid” “pointless” and “waste of time” are constantly being thrown at players. These words have no effect on the avid golf clashers. When asked how he reacts to the haters, Greene said, “They don’t get to me at all. They don’t understand the art of the game and that’s on them.” When it’s all said and done, only one question remains. Will Golf Clash be a consistent go-to game, or will it be a flash in the pan?