The Penns Valley High School is in the process of an 8.5 million dollar parking renovation for lots and roads in the front middle and back parking lots as well as across the street at the intermediate school. The main goal of the project is to improve the safety of driving around the High School as well as increase parking space and reduce congestion for large events.
The High School parking lot will add 292 spaces as well as 7 accessible parking spaces. The back parking lot will also have a visiting bus lane and sidewalk for easy access to the stadium for sports. The bus lane will be connected to Green Grove Road and will be used for exiting traffic from large events to keep the flow of traffic moving. The elementary and intermediate school will add 99 parking spaces separate bus lanes and walker pickup areas. To increase the safety of students crossing Route 45 after school, a crosswalk with strobe lights will be installed.
Many members of the community have speculated about bathrooms at the athletic field; however, they are not part of the current renovation plan. Here is a quote from Brian Griffith, the superintendent of Penns Valley High School regarding the installation of public bathrooms via. PVHS Media on YouTube.
“I wanted to speak about some of the things we have heard from our general public about adding restrooms to our Athletic field, this board and the prior board have tried to add restrooms at our athletic field. Currently, we are using portable toilets and I know the community would like to see full-fledged restrooms added to this athletic field, the problem is that the restrooms continue to come in well over budget and anticipated costs. The first time we bid them, they came in at around 1.7 million dollars, most recently they came in at a cost of 2.3 million dollars, so the board has denied those bids at this point in time, and certainly, if it is something the community wants the community should ask their board member and we’ll do what we can to try and find the resources to do that.”
This may clear up the rumors that have been made surrounding the athletic field.
These renovations will take some time but will surely be worth it in the end. Construction on the parking lots should finish in late October-November.