A Guide To Survive High School… PART 2

Leah Meyer, Journalist

As mentioned in my previous article, I am a senior here at Penns Valley and want to share some of the most important tips that I have learned throughout the years to the underclassmen. In the last article, I shared the significance of involvement, but saving leisure time for yourself, keeping an open mind, time management and organization. In this article, I want to discuss perspective, values, and support systems. Most of these tips apply to high school and into the future.

Firstly, perspective. It is extremely important to realize that high school is not just about you. Yes, your problems are always validated no matter the size, but remember that you never know what other people are going through, so always treat everyone with kindness and respect. Kind words and actions can go a LONG way and you never know who might really need an ounce of decency in their day.

Values. It is crucial to prioritize what you want to accomplish during your time in high school. You want to determine what your strengths are and how you can turn those into things that can benefit you. For example, if you are really good at sports, make the time to train, but still find the time to complete your class work. If you are really good at math, consider doubling up in math credits so that you can excel further during your time here. The same goes for any other subject. The school also offers many electives that may benefit you when choosing a career path such as art electives, shop classes, accounting classes, media courses, and so much more. Take the time to experiment too in order to figure out what you really enjoy.

Finally, support systems. Find teachers and staff that you feel comfortable talking too and that you can trust. When school or life in general becomes stressful, these advisors are always willing to listen and offer their advice. I can truly say that I am grateful for becoming close with many teachers because they have helped me through some of my toughest times when I just felt like I couldn’t handle school anymore.

I hope that these tips were helpful for those who needed them. Best of luck finishing high school and remember to enjoy it while it lasts!